Kiki's Fantasticly Random Blog

Anything from F1 to JE ;)



I've recently been wishing that I could play the piano... But I can't... I'm very bad at it. It's okay though, as soon as school is over and I have enough money I'll take classes to play it. ^-^
Anyway... I missed the last race but I'll watch this one for sure.
I want to see Princess Hours so bad!!!!! I'm about to go to my friends house now to go borrow it...


Princess Hours

Oh my god has anyone seen this?! (probably yes... Iono how old this is) A friend of mine had given it to me during one of my classes... I think I might fail... I was watching it instead of doing my essay then during lunch and work!! So adicting. Shin Chae-kyeong is crazy~ haha and Lee Yool is the cutest guy there. haha. Anyway, still a few more days until the race... 'til then I'll be watching Princess Hours~


I hate April Fools...

yesterday was the worst day ever... I was told by my friend that Koichi had gotten a girlfriend... I was very sad for a long time... Until very recently did she e-mail me and say "April Fools!!! He's too ugly for girlfriend" so Hateful!!! I should have told her that I saw Jin the other day at the store. >:) haha
:( Hate it... But in the end it was a little funny.
Anyway, a few more days until the next race!! V(^0^)V Go Massa!!!