Kiki's Fantasticly Random Blog

Anything from F1 to JE ;)


Anata no koto ga suki dakara

Okei~ So I'm sorta over my whole... Lack of F1 for a while... I got my Koichi back!!! *Hugs cd case tightly* Noone's ever going to take you away from me again.
Did you know Yamapi has a girlfriend?! (So I've heard from my Japanese friend) I wanna know who she is. Who ever though, she's gotta be one lucky girl.
Anyway. I wanna talk about Koichi today. His tour looks to be going great! I noticed that in his offical photos, he's got that cute smile. Ah~ I love that smile. So heart warming. I hope he gets a break soon though. He's got to be exausted after doing all those shows right? He needs his rest. I don't care if it backs things up 'cause I'm a worried fan and a rested, energized, and healthy Koichi is a lot better then a 'trying my hardest for my fans even though I'm dead tired' Koichi. Don't you agree? Poor thing. I know many fans worry about him.
Who's going to buy the Harmony of December Single? I was thinking about it... I want to preview a song or two first. I'm glad it comes out in November. Because of shipping, it'll be in the hands of some overseas fans by December and it's so perfect! I'm really looking forward to their 10yrs. I hope they do something big and will have a dvd release.
Hm... It's kinda late here... And I have a major essay that's due in... A few hours. haha!


Depressive state

Season's over... This is the time that hurts the most... What makes it worse is the goodbyes.
Michelin~ Standard Bridgestones next year. (not really bad about that, just hope their wets get better)
Alonso goes to Mc Laren next season and Kimi moves to Ferrari...
BYE SCHUMACHER!!!!!! *cries*
Too bad he didn't win though but he did an awesome job! from 10th to 4th then had wheel contact and ended up last but came right back up to 4th again. ^-^ Went out in style.
Congradulations to Massa for winning his home race! and I guess congrats to Renault and Alonso... :/ I'm so reluctant to say that... :P
To wrap it all up for today; ('cause I've got to get back to class)
Goodbye Micheal! F1 won't be the same with out your speed.
You'll be missed but good luck with your retirement!!


Akanishi Jin

Only reasons I'm thinking about this still is 'cause my Koichi cds are still being held captive by my friends. I get them one at a time starting later today. They're giving me happiness in peices. >.< Yeah okay besides that I'm trying to keep one of my Jin obsessed friends updated on "Jin's Hiadus". Since I'm not a really big fan of him... Or much of KAT-TUN, I'm doing it kinda slow. More like trying to avoid it and checking the F1 site. (which I'm doing now as I'm typing this. Multitask) She's mainly upset with me because I don't believe he's quiting for school as much as I believe that it's because of how he acts. Not nice to be so rude. Not that I don't like him or any of them at all... It's just... I'll dl their music... Not buy it... But none the less I'm sure Jin fans would be sypmathetic to fans of anyother idol if that were to happen to one of them so; Jin! Come back soon and make your fans happy~ (and if anything relax a little on your break)
----- F1 is in 2 weeks!!! I don't think I can stand it. So much anxiety over it for me. The last race of the season then it determines the driver's championship. >.<
Schumacher/Massa/Ferrari!! Please!!!!!



hmph... Bored now. Got a long while 'til I go into work and play. lol.
I'm very dissapointed in Ferrari lately. The first engine failiure in 6seasons for Micheal and why so close to championship?! Alonso's so smug. *evil glare* Waving at him while poor Schumacher was stranded on the side of the track. I almost cried. But Massa's trying his hardest and is doing great as 2nd driver. Instead of Kimi #1 next year I think it should be Massa... Strangely I don't see them working too well together. *sigh* It's going to be really different next year with out Schumacher racing. As Scott said; it's not much of a race with out him there. (=u_u=)
Anyway I think Ferrari's ahead in constuctor's Championship and Alonso's First in Driver's, then Micheal, Fisicella, and... Massa. :( so dissapointed.
Ferrari please please please!!!! Check everything countless times before letting them go okay?
Other things. NEWS back yet? It's been too long. Maybe I just miss them 'cause I'm listening to one of their songs. Guess which one. ^-^ I needed a little break from Koichi apparently so my friends confinscated all my Koichi things for a few days... I'm dead inside. BUT! That doesn't mean I can't look him up online or think of him. (Mostly think of him 'cause I'm hardly online anymore these days) I can most commonly be heard humming one of his songs lately or randomly laughing 'cause of the little baka things he does. hah! Kawaii~~
'kay now I'm listening to SIGNAL. XP haha Kawaii Junno. Is it just my insanity kicking in or does Junno sometimes resemble Koichi? In certain pix. I don't mean personality wise 'cause Junno's apparently a big sweetheart and Koichi... Honestly he can be flat out mean. lol. (I so love that about him)
I'm so sleepy... I think... Can't tell... Hah. 'til the sadest week in the year. ~


Why so bitter?!?!

*evil laugh*
Ha!! Micheal's #1!!!!! When at the beggining he was about 20+ away in 2nd.
Alonso looked so mad at second place but who cares. Control your car! Ahh speaking of that Massa. =( Who was is Button? I forget but they ramed his left front tyre and broke it!!! Made me mad. Before that though he got a 10 gridspot penalty for changing his engine... It's part of FIA rules but still. Technitions please don't slip up so close toward season's end.
Okay... I'm still not feeling well so... I'll update more on this a little later.