Kiki's Fantasticly Random Blog

Anything from F1 to JE ;)


No better reason then bordom

As the title says. There's no reason to update except boredom... And trying to make the loudness of the tv in the other room white noise. So loud~~ I bet if I go upstairs I'd hear it still. Darn I've got SIGNAL stuck in my head. Same all day. Good thing is that it wasn't there at work today because I was with it. (get that? I wasn't at work today haahaa) Yeah I should have been but I "quit" I use that lightly because if you think about it a little more, I was fired. They didn't like how I clocked out 15 min early, which was one time by the way, and I got yelled at. Mean people. Be nicer to your staff lady. Not nice to complain over 15 min so openly. Less hours I work the less you gotta pay me right? (Think about it more money for you) So now I work at my friend's mom's daycare. Yippee~! I get to play with kids and watch cartoons all day. (and a lot more I don't want to think about but have to do anyway. Not as bad as being locked up in a dead silent room though) Gah I'm so hungry again... Why why why? I'm always so hungry. I wasn't like that during the summer~ I could go a week with out eating then... I think it's all this extra movement I have to go through... Like stair climbing and walking outside the building, racing people to lunch, beating people up for chairs at lunch. There's too many people on our campus. Do you know what a tater tot is? They're really good! I love them. I hope my parents bring me some soon. A big package. :3 I have a siberian husky for a dog. Those cute furry sled dogs, yeah that's my dog. I came by to visit her this afternoon only to see... My 'do it the easy way' dad found the scissors. =( Her fur is so uneven and over all bad looking. Poor thing looks like she was fighting it the whole time.
Yes so. Beside my tramatized dog and starvation, I'm going to go to sleep... Maybe


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