Kiki's Fantasticly Random Blog

Anything from F1 to JE ;)



hmph... Bored now. Got a long while 'til I go into work and play. lol.
I'm very dissapointed in Ferrari lately. The first engine failiure in 6seasons for Micheal and why so close to championship?! Alonso's so smug. *evil glare* Waving at him while poor Schumacher was stranded on the side of the track. I almost cried. But Massa's trying his hardest and is doing great as 2nd driver. Instead of Kimi #1 next year I think it should be Massa... Strangely I don't see them working too well together. *sigh* It's going to be really different next year with out Schumacher racing. As Scott said; it's not much of a race with out him there. (=u_u=)
Anyway I think Ferrari's ahead in constuctor's Championship and Alonso's First in Driver's, then Micheal, Fisicella, and... Massa. :( so dissapointed.
Ferrari please please please!!!! Check everything countless times before letting them go okay?
Other things. NEWS back yet? It's been too long. Maybe I just miss them 'cause I'm listening to one of their songs. Guess which one. ^-^ I needed a little break from Koichi apparently so my friends confinscated all my Koichi things for a few days... I'm dead inside. BUT! That doesn't mean I can't look him up online or think of him. (Mostly think of him 'cause I'm hardly online anymore these days) I can most commonly be heard humming one of his songs lately or randomly laughing 'cause of the little baka things he does. hah! Kawaii~~
'kay now I'm listening to SIGNAL. XP haha Kawaii Junno. Is it just my insanity kicking in or does Junno sometimes resemble Koichi? In certain pix. I don't mean personality wise 'cause Junno's apparently a big sweetheart and Koichi... Honestly he can be flat out mean. lol. (I so love that about him)
I'm so sleepy... I think... Can't tell... Hah. 'til the sadest week in the year. ~


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